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Welcome to Redcliffe Nursery School

Play, Discover, Belong

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Useful Resources & Activities

Below you will find a number of useful resources and activities you can do with your child whilst at home.  

Stories and Music Links 

Elefantasy - a story written and illustrated by a member of staff for children in her family and the children at Redcliffe Nursery School


Animal, Nature, Outdoor and Space related links

Garden Bird Watch Sheet - downloadable & Printable

Physical Activity Links 

Maths Resources 

How many...

Join Hugo with reading a poem and seeing how many things you can count.

Food & Recipe Links
Activities and Resources 

Pine Cone Animals and Smelly Playdough Making Activities

  • Making play-dough together: be creative with this! You could add food colouring to change the way it looks or add food essences to change the way it smells. In nursery we often use peppermint, lemon or orange essence which has been very popular. A very simple recipe is… Mix together 2 cups of plain flour,1 cup of salt and 1 cup of boiling water. There are lots of other recipes you could explore together online.


  • Water-play: this can be in the bath, in your garden or using your everyday washing up bowl. All you need is a few empty bottles or pots, or some bubbles!
  • Ball games (where appropriate): use your outdoor space.
  • Making reading resources available for your children to freely use. This could be a time where you have a more focused time together.
  • Arts and crafts activities- using what you have available in your home to enable your children the opportunity to be creative. You could use paper, pens, paint and chalk to create some wonderful pieces of art work. Or even raid your recycling box and do some junk modelling!
  • If you are healthy and able to leave your home, it is very important to go for walks together. This can provide a break in your day and allow your children to let off some built up energy. It is also an opportunity for you to get some well deserved fresh air! If you have smaller and quieter parks near you, make the most of them and encourage activities such as bug hunting and outdoor art. You could use sticks, mud and loose feathers to create wonderful pieces of art work.

Supporting Children's Communication Links
Support Links